About Us
Our Passion Is Positive Outcome
EstherSwift Care, Provided and Run by Esther Swift Limited: A specialist service provider that supports vulnerable children, young people and young adults who are at risk of social exclusion, challenging behaviors and/or with complex emotional needs.
We started with a clear vision, which was to support young people to become emotionally resilient to live independently, build new healthier relationships, and create opportunities to study and work.
We provide innovative care and support solutions that is outcome focused. Our accommodation offers a 24 hour proactive monitoring & observation within the unit, while our floating support service offers individually tailored support for care leaver’s in their own homes as they progress into independent living.
We create a safe space to integrate every young person in our care from in-patient hospital settings, Prison, Unescorted and from high dependency units that are underpinned by clear consistent boundaries, transparency and respect, which empowers our young people in a non-judgmental way.
At Estherswift Integrity, Fairness, Empathy, Standard & Professionalism are at our heart.

Our Approach
Using holistic approach, we teach and empower practical life skills through key work sessions. We support young people with their emotional needs and maintain clear boundaries. Each young person takes an active role in the implementation and review of their placement plans to ensure personalised care, aimed at achieving the best possible outcomes is achieved in the following areas of:
Staying safe: being protected from harm and neglect and growing up able to look after themselves.
Enjoying and achieving: getting the most out of life and developing broad skills for adulthood.
Making a positive contribution: to the community and to society and not engaging in anti-social or offending behaviour.
Economic well-being: overcoming socio-economic disadvantages to achieve their full potential in life– From Every Child Matters Framework.
Our Mission
At Estherswift we are committed to promote self-worth of all of our young people and strive to give them excellent support service that will improve the quality of their life, as defined by each individually. To that end, we will encourage decision-making through participation.
Put the needs of our young people first.
Support young people and staff reach their full potential.
Demonstrate continuous improvement.
Demonstrate fairness, equal opportunities, diversity, and respect for all
Our professionalism, standards, integrity, fairness, and empathy are at the heart of what we do at Estherswift.
Director's Statement
At Estherswift we promise to provide a secure accommodation and support service for young people to begin to mature into adulthood; promoting young people to develop self-belief, confidence, motivation, resourcefulness and resilience.
Our staff team are trained in Safeguarding to protect our young people and we works in line with Working Together to Safeguarding Children 2018 and Six key practice themes to make a difference.
Estherswift staff team understand the potential of safeguarding vulnerable young people and we take safeguarding of every young person in our care very seriously.